"Is There A Book Inside You?" is a practical, comprehensive, easy to follow, step-by-step plan for translating an idea or story into a readable book. "Is There A Book Inside You?" teaches how to pick a topic, break the topic down into easy-to-attack projects, how and where to do research, making writing as easy as possible, improving the material, manage writing partnerships, evaluating publishing options, and developing an individualized and workable plan. "Is There A Book Inside You?" reveals the secrets of breaking into print -- even for an unpolished, inexperienced writer. "Is There A Book Inside You?" teaches how and where to find the help of researchers, editors, peer reviewers, clerical support, contract writers, and co-authors. "Is There A Book Inside You?" is "must" reading for any beginning writer, and has much of value for even the experienced professional with publishing credits.Dan Poynter is the author of 'Is There a Book Inside You?: Writing Alone or with a Collaborator', published 2007 under ISBN 9781568600468 and ISBN 1568600461.
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